How To Use Split Text Files Into Multiple Files Software YouTube
How To Use Split Text Files Into Multiple Files Software YouTube

Notepad++ is a popular free text editor that offers many advanced features. One of these features is the ability to split a large text file into multiple smaller files. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as processing large amounts of data or breaking up a long document into more manageable pieces. In this article, we’ll explore how to use Notepad++ to split a text file into multiple files.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open the Text File

The first step is to open the text file that you want to split in Notepad++. You can do this by clicking on “File” in the menu bar and selecting “Open” or by pressing “Ctrl+O” on your keyboard. Navigate to the location of the file and select it.

Step 2: Select the Text to Split

Next, you’ll need to select the text that you want to split into multiple files. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse over the text or by using the “Select All” function (Ctrl+A) to select the entire file.

Step 3: Open the “Split” Dialog Box

Once you have selected the text, click on “Edit” in the menu bar and select “Split” or simply press “Ctrl+I”. This will open the “Split” dialog box.

Step 4: Specify the Splitting Criteria

In the “Split” dialog box, you’ll need to specify the criteria for splitting the text into multiple files. You can choose to split the text based on the number of lines or the size of each file. For example, if you want to split the text into files containing no more than 1000 lines each, enter “1000” in the “Line Count” field.

Step 5: Specify the Output Directory

Next, you’ll need to specify the directory where the split files will be saved. You can do this by clicking on the “Browse” button next to the “Output Directory” field and selecting a location on your computer.

Step 6: Specify the File Naming Convention

In the “File Naming Convention” section, you can specify how the split files should be named. You can choose to add a prefix or suffix to each file name, or you can use a custom naming convention.

Step 7: Split the Text

Once you have specified all of the settings, click on the “Split” button to split the text into multiple files. Notepad++ will automatically create the split files in the output directory that you specified.


Example 1: Splitting a Large CSV File

Suppose you have a large CSV file that contains data for multiple years. You want to split the file into separate files for each year. Here’s how you can do it in Notepad++: 1. Open the CSV file in Notepad++. 2. Select the text that corresponds to the first year of data. 3. Open the “Split” dialog box (Ctrl+I). 4. Specify the splitting criteria as “Line Count: 1000” (assuming each year has less than 1000 lines). 5. Specify the output directory where the split files should be saved. 6. Specify the file naming convention as “year1.csv”, “year2.csv”, etc. 7. Click on the “Split” button. Notepad++ will automatically create separate CSV files for each year of data.

Example 2: Breaking Up a Long Document

Suppose you have a long document that you want to break up into smaller sections for easier editing. Here’s how you can do it in Notepad++: 1. Open the document in Notepad++. 2. Select the text that corresponds to the first section. 3. Open the “Split” dialog box (Ctrl+I). 4. Specify the splitting criteria as “Line Count: 50” (or any other desired number of lines). 5. Specify the output directory where the split files should be saved. 6. Specify the file naming convention as “section1.txt”, “section2.txt”, etc. 7. Click on the “Split” button. Notepad++ will automatically create separate text files for each section of the document.